What does physical and mental movement mean to you?

Hi, I’m Isa! I teach yoga and offer coaching sessions, with a deep passion for yoga, fitness, and pole fit. I believe that movement—both physical and mental—is at the heart of everything I do.

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dare to create your own questions.

Why move both your body and mind?

The connection between the mind and body is deeply intertwined. When we practice yoga or engage in any workout, it's not just about the physical movements we’re making—it’s also about how these movements impact both our body and mind. 

That’s why asking ourselves the right questions is so crucial.


Is adrenaline really bad for you?

Adrenaline isn’t inherently harmful—it’s the body’s natural response to challenge. However, it can sometimes push us beyond our physical limits. That’s why I ask: when does that sense of satisfaction shift from being beneficial to becoming detrimental? This is where awareness comes in—learning to enjoy the energy that moves us, but in a more mindful and respectful way.


Why do we sometimes get injured during training?

Adrenaline can drive us to push harder than we should, increasing the risk of injury. The key is recognizing when this drive goes too far. This is why conscious awareness is so important: understanding how to balance intensity with self-care. The goal is to embrace the movement within you in a way that’s kind to your body, recognizing and respecting your limits.
